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Política Privacidade

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Política de Privacidade do serviço


Este Aplicativo recolhe alguns Dados Pessoais dos Usuários.

Este documento contém uma seção dedicada a consumidores da Califórnia e seus direitos de privacidade.

Este documento contém uma seção destinada aos consumidores da Virgínia e seus direitos de privacidade.

Este documento contém uma seção dedicada aos consumidores do Colorado e seus direitos de privacidade.

Este documento contém uma seção dedicada aos consumidores de Connecticut e seus direitos de privacidade.

Este documento contém uma seção dedicada aos consumidores de Utah e seus direitos de privacidade.

Este documento contém uma seção dedicada aos Usuários na Suíça e seus direitos de privacidade.

Este documento contém uma seção dedicada a Usuários brasileiros e seus direitos de privacidade.

Este documento pode ser impresso para fins de consulta, através do comando imprimir nas configurações de seu navegador.

Proprietário e Controlador de Dados

Web Rádio PQP. Rondonópolis MT Brasil

E-mail de contato do Proprietário:

Tipos de Dados coletados

Entre os tipos de Dados Pessoais que este Aplicativo coleta, por si mesmo ou através de terceiros, existem: Dados de uso; Rastreadores; número de Usuários; estatísticas da sessão; sobrenome; número de telefone; estado; e-mail; cidade.

Detalhes completos sobre cada tipo de Dados Pessoais coletados são fornecidos nas seções dedicadas desta política de privacidade ou por textos explicativos específicos exibidos antes da coleta de Dados.
Os Dados Pessoais poderão ser fornecidos livremente pelo Usuário, ou, no caso dos Dados de Utilização, coletados automaticamente ao se utilizar este Aplicativo.
A menos que especificado diferentemente todos os Dados solicitados por este Aplicativo são obrigatórios e a falta de fornecimento destes Dados poderá impossibilitar este Aplicativo de fornecer os seus Serviços. Nos casos em que este Aplicativo afirmar especificamente que alguns Dados não forem obrigatórios, os Usuários ficam livres para deixarem de comunicar estes Dados sem nenhuma consequência para a disponibilidade ou o funcionamento do Serviço.
Os Usuários que tiverem dúvidas a respeito de quais Dados Pessoais são obrigatórios estão convidados a entrar em contato com o Proprietário.
Quaisquer usos de cookies – ou de outras ferramentas de rastreamento – por este Aplicativo ou pelos proprietários de serviços terceiros utilizados por este Aplicativo serão para a finalidade de fornecer os Serviços solicitados pelo Usuário, além das demais finalidades descritas no presente documentoe na Política de Cookies.

Os Usuários ficam responsáveis por quaisquer Dados Pessoais de terceiros que forem obtidos, publicados ou compartilhados através deste Serviço (este Aplicativo).

Modo e local de processamento dos Dados

O Proprietário tomará as medidas de segurança adequadas para impedir o acesso não autorizado, divulgação, alteração ou destruição não autorizada dos Dados.
O processamento dos Dados é realizado utilizando computadores e /ou ferramentas de TI habilitadas, seguindo procedimentos organizacionais e meios estritamente relacionados com os fins indicados. Além do Proprietário, em alguns casos, os Dados podem ser acessados por certos tipos de pessoas encarregadas, envolvidas com a operação deste Serviço (este Aplicativo) (administração, vendas, marketing, administração legal do sistema) ou pessoas externas (como fornecedores terceirizados de serviços técnicos, carteiros, provedores de hospedagem, empresas de TI, agências de comunicação) nomeadas, quando necessário, como Processadores de Dados por parte do Proprietário. A lista atualizada destas partes pode ser solicitada ao Proprietário a qualquer momento.

Os dados são processados ​​nas sedes de operação dos Proprietários, e em quaisquer outros lugares onde as partes envolvidas com o processamento estiverem localizadas.
Dependendo da localização do Usuário as transferências de dados poderão envolver a transferência dos Dados do Usuário para outro país que não seja o seu. Para descobrirem mais sobre o local de processamento de tais Dados transferidos os Usuários poderão verificar a seção contendo os detalhes sobre o processamento de Dados Pessoais.

Salvo especificação em contrário neste documento, os Dados Pessoais serão tratados e armazenados pelo tempo necessário para as finalidades para as quais foram coletados, e poderão ser retidos por mais tempo em razão de qualquer obrigação legal aplicável ou com base no consentimento dos Usuários.

As finalidades do processamento

Os Dados relativos ao Usuário são coletados para permitir que o Proprietário preste seu Serviço, cumpra suas obrigações legais, responda a solicitações de execução, proteja seus direitos e interesses (ou aqueles de seus Usuários ou terceiros), detecte qualquer atividade maliciosa ou fraudulenta, assim como: Gerenciamento de tags, Estatísticas e Contatar o Usuário.

Para obter informações específicas sobre os Dados Pessoais utilizados para cada finalidade, o Usuário poderá consultar a seção “Informações detalhadas sobre o processamento de Dados Pessoais”.

Informações detalhadas sobre o processamento de Dados Pessoais

Os Dados Pessoais são recolhidos para os seguintes fins e utilizando os seguintes serviços:

  • Contatar o Usuário

  • Estatísticas

Informações sobre como optar por não receber anúncios com base em interesses

Além do recurso de cancelamento (“opt-out”) disponibilizado pelos serviços listados neste documento, os Usuários poderão saber mais sobre como optar de forma geral por não receber anúncios com base em interesses, dentro da seção específica da Política de Cookies.

Este Aplicativo usa Rastreadores. Para saber mais, os Usuários poderão consultar a Política de Cookies.

O Proprietário poderá processar os Dados Pessoais relacionados ao Usuário se uma das hipóteses a seguir se aplicar:

  • os Usuários tenham dado a sua anuência para uma ou mais finalidades específicas.
  • o fornecimento dos Dados for necessário para o cumprimento de um contrato com o Usuário e/ou quaisquer obrigações pré-contratuais do mesmo;
  • o processamento for necessário para o cumprimento de uma obrigação jurídica à qual o Proprietário estiver sujeito;
  • o processamento estiver relacionado a uma tarefa que for executada no interesse público ou no exercício de uma autorização oficial na qual o Proprietário estiver investido;
  • o processamento for necessário para a finalidade de interesses legítimos perseguidos pelo Proprietário ou por um terceiro;

Em qualquer caso, o Proprietário colaborará de bom grado para esclarecer qual a base jurídica que se aplica ao processamento, e em especial se o fornecimento de Dados for um requisito obrigatório por força de lei ou contratual, ou uma exigência necessária para celebrar um contrato.

Salvo especificação em contrário neste documento, os Dados Pessoais serão tratados e armazenados pelo tempo necessário para as finalidades para as quais foram coletados, e poderão ser retidos por mais tempo em razão de qualquer obrigação legal aplicável ou com base no consentimento dos Usuários.


  • Os Dados Pessoais coletados para as finalidades relacionadas com a execução de um contrato entre o Proprietário e o Usuário serão conservados até que tal contrato tenha sido completamente cumprido.
  • Os Dados Pessoais coletados para as finalidades relacionadas com os legítimos interesses do Proprietário serão conservados pelo tempo que for necessário para cumprir tais finalidades. Os Usuários poderão obter informações específicas sobre os interesses legítimos perseguidos pelo Proprietário dentro das seções pertinentes deste documento ou entrando em contato com o Proprietário.

O Proprietário poderá ter a permissão de conservar os Dados Pessoais por um prazo maior sempre que o Usuário tiver dado a sua autorização para tal processamento, enquanto tal autorização não tiver sido retirada. Além disso, o Proprietário poderá ficar obrigado a conservar os Dados Pessoais por um prazo maior sempre que necessário para o cumprimento de uma obrigação jurídica ou de um mandado de uma autoridade.

Assim que o prazo de conservação vencer os Dados Pessoais serão apagados. Desta forma o direito de acessar, o direito de apagar, o direito de corrigir e o direito à portabilidade dos dados não poderão ter o seu cumprimento exigido após o vencimento do prazo de conservação.

Os direitos dos Usuários com base no Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados (GDPR)

Os Usuários poderão exercer determinados direitos a respeito dos seus Dados processados pelo Proprietário.

Em especial, os Usuários possuem os direitos a fazer o seguinte, dentro dos limites permitidos por lei:

  • Retirar a sua anuência a qualquer momento. Os Usuários possuem o direito de retirar a sua anuência nos casos em que tenham dado a sua anuência anteriormente para o processamento dos seus Dados Pessoais.
  • Objetar o processamento dos seus Dados. Os Usuários possuem o direito de objetar o processamento dos seus Dados se o processamento for executado sobre outra base jurídica que não a anuência.
  • Acessar os seus Dados. Os Usuários possuem o direito de saber se os seus Dados estão sendo tratados pelo Proprietário, obter revelações sobre determinados aspectos do tratamento e conseguir uma cópia dos Dados que estiverem sendo tratados.
  • Verificar e pedir retificação. Os Usuários possuem o direito de verificar a exatidão dos seus Dados e de pedir que os mesmos sejam atualizados ou corrigidos.
  • Restringir o processamento dos seus Dados. Os Usuários possuem o direito de restringir o processamento dos seus Dados para qualquer outra finalidade que não seja o armazenamento dos mesmos.
  • Ter os seus Dados Pessoais apagados ou retirados de outra maneira. Os Usuários possuem o direito de obter a eliminação dos seus Dados do Proprietário.
  • Receber os seus Dados e ter os mesmos transferidos para outro controlador. Os Usuários possuem o direito de receber os seus Dados em um formato estruturado, utilizado comumente e apto a ser lido por máquinas e, se for viável tecnicamente, fazer com que estes sejam transmitidos para outro controlador sem nenhum empecilho.
  • Registrar uma reclamação. Os Usuários possuem o direito de apresentar reclamação perante a sua autoridade de proteção de dados competente.

Os Usuários também possuem o direito de serem informados sobre a base jurídica das transferências de Dados para o exterior, incluindo quaisquer organizações internacionais regidas pelo direito internacional público ou formadas por dois ou mais países, como a ONU, e sobre as medidas de segurança tomadas pelo Proprietário para proteger seus Dados.

Nos casos em que os Dados Pessoais forem processados por um interesse público, no exercício de uma autorização oficial na qual o Proprietário estiver investido ou para finalidades dos interesses legítimos perseguidos pelo Proprietário, os Usuários poderão objetar tal processamento através do fornecimento de um motivo relacionado com a sua situação em especial para justificar a objeção.

Os Usuários devem saber, entretanto, que caso os seus Dados Pessoais sejam processados para finalidades de marketing direto, eles podem objetar tal processamento a qualquer momento de forma gratuita e sem fornecer qualquer justificativa. Quando o Usuário se opuser ao processamento para fins de marketing direto, os Dados Pessoais não serão mais processados para esses fins. Para saber se o Proprietário está processando Dados Pessoais para fins de marketing direto, os Usuários podem consultar as seções respectivas deste documento.

Quaisquer pedidos para exercer os direitos dos Usuários podem ser direcionados ao Proprietário através dos dados de contato fornecidos neste documento. Tais pedidos são gratuitos e serão atendidos pelo Proprietário com a maior brevidade possível e sempre no prazo de um mês, fornecendo aos Usuários as informações exigidas por lei. Qualquer retificação ou exclusão de Dados Pessoais ou restrição de processamento será comunicada pelo Proprietário a cada destinatário, se houver, a quem os Dados Pessoais foram divulgados, a menos que isso seja impossível ou implique um trabalho desproporcional. A pedido dos Usuários, o Proprietário os informará sobre tais destinatários.

Informações adicionais para usuários na Suíça

Esta seção se aplica aos Usuários na Suíça e, para esses Usuários, substitui qualquer outra informação possivelmente divergente ou conflitante contida na política de privacidade.

Mais detalhes sobre as categorias de Dados processados, as finalidades do processamento, as categorias de destinatários dos dados pessoais, se houver, o período de retenção e outras informações sobre Dados Pessoais podem ser encontrados na seção intitulada “Informações detalhadas sobre o processamento de Dados Pessoais” deste documento.

Os direitos dos usuários de acordo com a Lei Federal Suíça sobre Proteção de Dados

Os Usuários podem exercer certos direitos em relação aos seus Dados dentro dos limites da lei, incluindo os seguintes:

  • direito de acesso aos Dados Pessoais;
  • direito de se opor ao processamento de seus Dados Pessoais (o que também permite que os Usuários exijam que o processamento de Dados Pessoais seja restrito, que os Dados Pessoais sejam excluídos ou destruídos e que divulgações específicas de Dados Pessoais a terceiros sejam proibidas);
  • direito de receber seus Dados Pessoais e transferi-los para outro controlador (portabilidade de dados);
  • direito de solicitar a correção de Dados Pessoais incorretos.

Como exercer esses direitos

Quaisquer solicitações para exercer os direitos do Usuário podem ser encaminhadas ao Proprietário por meio dos detalhes de contato fornecidos neste documento. Tais solicitações são gratuitas e serão respondidas pelo Proprietário com a maior brevidade possível, fornecendo aos Usuários as informações exigidas por lei.

Informações adicionais para Usuários no Brasil

Esta seção do documento se integra e complementa as informações contidas no resto desta política de privacidade e é fornecida pela entidade que opera este Aplicativo e, conforme for o caso, suas controladoras, subsidiárias e afiliadas (para fins desta seção, doravante coletivamente denominadas “nós”, “nos”, “nosso” e “conosco”).
Esta seção se aplica a todos os Usuários do Brasil (os Usuários são denominados abaixo simplesmente como “você”, “seu”, “seu”), de acordo com a “Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados” (a “LGPD”), e, para desses Usuários, substitui qualquer outra informação possivelmente divergente ou conflitante contida na política de privacidade.
Esta parte do documento usa o termo “informações pessoais”, conforme definido na LGPD.

Em que nos embasamos para processar suas informações pessoais

Podemos processar suas informações pessoais somente se tivermos uma base legal para tal processamento. As bases legais são as seguintes:

  • sua anuência com as respectivas atividades de processamento;
  • conformidade com uma obrigação legal ou regulamentar imposta a nós;
  • o cumprimento de políticas públicas dispostas em leis ou regulamentações ou com base em contratos, acordos e instrumentos legais semelhantes;
  • estudos conduzidos por entidades de pesquisa, preferivelmente realizados sobre informações pessoais anônimas;
  • a execução de um contrato e seus procedimentos preliminares, nos casos em que você for parte do contrato;
  • o exercício de nossos direitos em processos judiciais, administrativos ou de arbitragem;
  • proteção ou segurança física de você ou de um terceiro;
  • a proteção da saúde – em procedimentos realizados por entidades ou profissionais da saúde;
  • nossos interesses legítimos, desde que seus direitos e liberdades fundamentais não prevaleçam sobre tais interesses; e
  • proteção ao crédito.

Para saber mais sobre as bases legais, você pode entrar em contato conosco a qualquer momento através dos dados de contato fornecidos neste documento.

Categorias de informações pessoais processadas

Para saber que categorias de suas informações pessoais são processadas, você poderá ler a seção intitulada “Informações detalhadas sobre o processamento de Dados Pessoais” neste documento.

Por que processamos suas informações pessoais

Para saber por que processamos suas informações pessoais, você poderá ler sobre as seções intituladas “Informações detalhadas sobre o processamento de Dados Pessoais” e “As finalidades do processamento” neste documento.

Seus direitos de privacidade como brasileiro, como enviar uma solicitação e nossas respostas a suas solicitações

Seus direitos de privacidade como brasileiro

Você tem o direito de:

  • obter confirmação sobre a existência de atividades de tratamento de suas informações pessoais;
  • acesso a suas informações pessoais;
  • fazer com que suas informações pessoais incompletas, inexatas ou desatualizadas sejam corrigidas;
  • obter o anonimato, bloqueio ou eliminação de suas informações pessoais desnecessárias ou em excesso, ou de informações que não estejam sendo processadas de acordo com a LGPD;
  • obter informações sobre a possibilidade de fornecer ou recusar sua anuência e as respectivas consequências;
  • obter informações sobre os terceiros com quem compartilhamos suas informações pessoais;
  • obter, mediante sua solicitação expressa, a portabilidade de suas informações pessoais (exceto informações anônimas) para outro fornecedor de produtos ou serviços, desde que nossos segredos comerciais e industriais continuem protegidos;
  • obter a exclusão de suas informações pessoais tratadas, se o tratamento teve base em sua anuência, a menos que se apliquem uma ou mais exceções daquelas dispostas no art. 16 da LGPD;
  • retirar sua anuência a qualquer momento;
  • registrar uma reclamação com relação a suas informações pessoais à ANPD (Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados) ou aos órgãos de proteção ao consumidor;
  • opor-se a uma atividade de tratamento nos casos em que o tratamento não for realizado em conformidade com as disposições da lei;
  • solicitar informações claras e adequadas a respeito dos critérios e procedimentos usados para uma decisão automatizada; e
  • solicitar a revisão de decisões tomadas exclusivamente com base no tratamento automatizado de suas informações pessoais, que afetem seus interesses. Nisto estão incluídas decisões para definir seu perfil pessoal, profissional, de consumidor e de crédito ou aspectos de sua personalidade.

Você nunca será discriminado ou sofrerá qualquer tipo de prejuízo se exercer seus direitos.

Como registrar sua solicitação

Você poderá registrar sua solicitação expressa de exercer seus direitos gratuitamente , em qualquer momento, usando os dados de contato fornecidos neste documento ou através de seu representante legal.

Como e quando nós responderemos a sua solicitação

Faremos o possível para responder imediatamente a suas solicitações.
Em qualquer caso, caso seja impossível, faremos questão de comunicar a você os motivos de fato ou de direito que nos impeçam de atender imediatamente, ou de qualquer outra forma, cumprir suas solicitações. Nos casos em que não estivermos processando suas informações pessoais, indicaremos a pessoa física ou jurídica a quem você deve encaminhar suas solicitações, se estivermos na posição de fazê-lo.

Caso você registre uma solicitação de acesso ou de confirmação de processamento de informações pessoais, certifique-se de especificar se deseja que suas informações pessoais sejam entregues em formato eletrônico ou impresso.
Você também precisará nos informar se deseja que respondamos sua solicitação imediatamente, sendo que neste caso responderemos de maneira simplificada ou se você precisa de uma resposta completa.
Neste último caso, responderemos no prazo de 15 dias a contar do momento de sua solicitação, fornecendo todas as informações sobre a origem de suas informações pessoais, confirmação da existência ou não de registros, quaisquer critérios utilizados para o processamento e as finalidades do processamento, mantendo protegidos nossos segredos comerciais e industriais.

Caso você solicite uma retificação, exclusão, anonimato ou bloqueio de informações pessoais, comunicaremos imediatamente sua solicitação a outras partes com quem compartilhamos suas informações pessoais, a fim de permitir que estes terceiros também cumpram sua solicitação – exceto nos casos em que tal comunicação se provar impossível ou envolver um esforço desproporcional de nosso lado.

Transferência de informações pessoais para fora do Brasil permitida por lei

Temos permissão para transferir suas informações pessoais para fora do território brasileiro nos seguintes casos:

  • quando a transferência for necessária para fins de cooperação jurídica internacional entre órgãos públicos de inteligência, investigação e Ministério Público, de acordo com os meios legais dispostos no direito internacional;
  • quando a transferência for necessária para proteger sua vida ou segurança física ou de terceiros;
  • quando a transferência for autorizada pela ANPD;
  • quando a transferência decorrer de um compromisso assumido em um acordo de cooperação internacional;
  • quando a transferência for necessária para a execução de uma política pública ou atribuição legal de serviço público;
  • quando a transferência for necessária para o cumprimento de uma obrigação legal ou regulamentar, a execução de um contrato ou procedimentos preliminares relacionados a um contrato ou o exercício regular de direitos em processos judiciais, administrativos ou de arbitragem.

Further information for California consumers

This section of the document integrates with and supplements the information contained in the rest of the privacy policy and is provided by the business running this Application and, if the case may be, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates (for the purposes of this section referred to collectively as “we”, “us”, “our”).

This section applies to all Users (Users are referred to below, simply as “you”, “your”, “yours”), who are consumers residing in the state of California, United States of America, according to the “California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018” (the “CCPA”), as updated by the “California Privacy Rights Act” (the “CPRA”) and subsequent regulations. For such consumers, this section supersedes any other possibly divergent or conflicting information contained in the privacy policy.

This part of the document uses the term “personal information“ as defined in the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA/CPRA).

Notice at collection

Categories of personal information collected, used, sold, or shared

In this section we summarize the categories of personal information that we’ve collected, used, sold, or shared and the purposes thereof. You can read about these activities in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document.

Information we collect: the categories of personal information we collect

We have collected the following categories of personal information about you: identifiers and internet or other electronic network activity information.

We do not collect sensitive personal information.

We will not collect additional categories of personal information without notifying you.

What are the purposes for which we use your personal information?

We may use your personal information to allow the operational functioning of this Application and features thereof (“business purposes”). In such cases, your personal information will be processed in a fashion necessary and proportionate to the business purpose for which it was collected, and strictly within the limits of compatible operational purposes.

We may also use your personal information for other reasons such as for commercial purposes (as indicated within the section “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document), as well as for complying with the law and defending our rights before the competent authorities where our rights and interests are threatened or we suffer an actual damage.

We won’t process your information for unexpected purposes, or for purposes incompatible with the purposes originally disclosed, without your consent.

How long do we keep your personal information?

Unless stated otherwise inside the “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” section, we will not retain your personal information for longer than is reasonably necessary for the purpose(s) they have been collected for.

How we collect information: what are the sources of the personal information we collect?

We collect the above-mentioned categories of personal information, either directly or indirectly, from you when you use this Application.

For example, you directly provide your personal information when you submit requests via any forms on this Application. You also provide personal information indirectly when you navigate this Application, as personal information about you is automatically observed and collected.

Finally, we may collect your personal information from third parties that work with us in connection with the Service or with the functioning of this Application and features thereof.

How we use the information we collect: disclosing of your personal information with third parties for a business purpose

For our purposes, the word “third party” means a person who is not any of the following: a service provider or a contractor, as defined by the CCPA.

We disclose your personal information with the third parties listed in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document. These third parties are grouped and categorized in accordance with the different purposes of processing.

Sale or sharing of your personal information

For our purposes, the word “sale” means any “selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic means, a consumer’s personal information by the business to a third party, for monetary or other valuable consideration”, as defined by the CCPA.

This means that, for example, a sale can happen whenever an application runs ads, or makes statistical analyses on the traffic or views, or simply because it uses tools such as social network plugins and the like.

For our purposes, the word “sharing” means any “sharing, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, a consumer’s personal information by the business to a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising, whether or not for monetary or other valuable consideration, including transactions between a business and a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising for the benefit of a business in which no money is exchanged”, as defined by the CCPA.
Please note that the exchange of personal information with a service provider pursuant to a written contract that meets the requirements set by the CCPA, does not constitute a sale or sharing of your personal information.

Your right to opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal information and how you can exercise it

We sell or share your personal information with the third parties listed in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document. These third parties are grouped and categorized in accordance with the different purposes of processing.

You have the right to opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal information. This means that whenever you request us to stop selling or sharing your personal information, we will abide by your request.
Such requests can be made freely, at any time, without submitting any verifiable request.
To fully exercise your right to opt out, you can contact us at any time using the contact details provided in this document.
For a simplified opt-out method you can also use the privacy choices link provided on this Application.

If you want to submit requests to opt out of the sale or sharing of personal information via a user-enabled global privacy control, like the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”), you are free to do so and we will abide by such request in a frictionless manner (as defined in the CPRA regulations). The GPC consists of a setting or extension in the browser or mobile device and acts as a mechanism that websites can use to indicate they support the GPC signal. If you want to use GPC, you can download and enable it via a participating browser or browser extension. More information about downloading GPC is available here.

We use any personal information collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purposes of complying with the opt-out request.

Once you have opted out, we are required to wait at least 12 months before asking whether you have changed your mind.

Your privacy rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act and how to exercise them

The right to access personal information: the right to know and to portability

You have the right to request that we disclose to you:

  • the categories of personal information that we collect about you;
  • the sources from which the personal information is collected;
  • the purposes for which we use your information;
  • to whom we disclose such information;
  • the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.

You also have the right to know what personal information is sold or shared and to whom. In particular, you have the right to request two separate lists from us where we disclose:

  • the categories of personal information that we sold or shared about you and the categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold or shared;
  • the categories of personal information that we disclosed about you for a business purpose and the categories of persons to whom it was disclosed for a business purpose.

The disclosure described above will be limited to the personal information collected or used over the past 12 months.

If we deliver our response electronically, the information enclosed will be “portable”, i.e. delivered in an easily usable format to enable you to transmit the information to another entity without hindrance — provided that this is technically feasible.

The right to request the deletion of your personal information

You have the right to request that we delete any of your personal information, subject to exceptions set forth by the law (such as, including but not limited to, where the information is used to identify and repair errors on this Application, to detect security incidents and protect against fraudulent or illegal activities, to exercise certain rights etc.).

If no legal exception applies, as a result of exercising your right, we will delete your personal information and notify any of our service providers and all third parties to whom we have sold or shared the personal information to do so — provided that this is technically feasible and doesn’t involve disproportionate effort.

The right to correct inaccurate personal information

You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate personal information we maintain about you, taking into account the nature of the personal information and the purposes of the processing of the personal information.

The right to opt out of sale or sharing of personal information and to limit the use of your sensitive personal information

You have the right to opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal information. You also have the right to request that we limit our use or disclosure of your sensitive personal information.

The right of no retaliation following opt-out or exercise of other rights (the right to non-discrimination)

We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under the CCPA. This means that we will not discriminate against you, including, but not limited to, by denying goods or services, charging you a different price, or providing a different level or quality of goods or services just because you exercised your consumer privacy rights.

However, if you refuse to provide your personal information to us or ask us to delete or stop selling your personal information, and that personal information or sale is necessary for us to provide you with goods or services, we may not be able to complete that transaction.

To the extent permitted by the law, we may offer you promotions, discounts, and other deals in exchange for collecting, keeping, or selling your personal information, provided that the financial incentive offered is reasonably related to the value of your personal information.

How to exercise your rights

To exercise the rights described above, you need to submit your verifiable request to us by contacting us via the details provided in this document.

For us to respond to your request, it’s necessary that we know who you are. Therefore, you can only exercise the above rights by making a verifiable request which must:

  • provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collected personal information or an authorized representative;
  • describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it.

We will not respond to any request if we are unable to verify your identity and therefore confirm the personal information in our possession actually relates to you.

Making a verifiable consumer request does not require you to create an account with us. We will use any personal information collected from you in connection with the verification of your request solely for the purposes of verification and shall not further disclose the personal information, retain it longer than necessary for purposes of verification, or use it for unrelated purposes.

If you cannot personally submit a verifiable request, you can authorize a person registered with the California Secretary of State to act on your behalf.

If you are an adult, you can make a verifiable request on behalf of a child under your parental authority.

You can submit a maximum number of 2 requests over a period of 12 months.

How and when we are expected to handle your request

We will confirm receipt of your verifiable request within 10 days and provide information about how we will process your request.

We will respond to your request within 45 days of its receipt. Should we need more time, we will explain to you the reasons why, and how much more time we need. In this regard, please note that we may take up to 90 days to fulfill your request.

Our disclosure(s) will cover the preceding 12-month period. Only with regard to personal information collected on or after January 1, 2022, you have the right to request that we disclose information beyond the 12-month period, and we will provide them to you unless doing so proves impossible or would involve a disproportionate effort.

Should we deny your request, we will explain you the reasons behind our denial.

We do not charge a fee to process or respond to your verifiable request unless such request is manifestly unfounded or excessive. In such cases, we may charge a reasonable fee, or refuse to act on the request. In either case, we will communicate our choices and explain the reasons behind it.

Further information for Virginia consumers

This section of the document integrates with and supplements the information contained in the rest of the privacy policy and is provided by the controller running this Application and, if the case may be, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates (for the purposes of this section referred to collectively as “we”, “us”, “our”).

This section applies to all Users (Users are referred to below, simply as “you”, “your”, “yours”), who are consumers residing in the Commonwealth of Virginia, according to the “Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act” (the “VCDPA”), and, for such consumers, it supersedes any other possibly divergent or conflicting information contained in the privacy policy.

This part of the document uses the term “personal data” as defined in the VCDPA.

Categories of personal data processed

In this section, we summarize the categories of personal data that we’ve processed and the purposes thereof. You can read about these activities in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Persona Data” within this document.

Categories of personal data we collect

We have collected the following categories of personal data: identifiers and internet information

We do not collect sensitive data.

We will not collect additional categories of personal data without notifying you.

Why we process your personal data

To find out why we process your personal data, you can read the sections titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” and “The purposes of processing” within this document.

We won’t process your information for unexpected purposes, or for purposes incompatible with the purposes originally disclosed, without your consent.
You can freely give, deny, or withdraw such consent at any time using the contact details provided in this document.

How we use the data we collect: sharing of your personal data with third parties

We share your personal data with the third parties listed in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document. These third parties are grouped and categorized in accordance with the different purposes of processing.
For our purposes, the word “third party” means “a natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or body other than the consumer, controller, processor, or an affiliate of the processor or the controller” as defined by the VCDPA.

Sale of your personal data

For our purposes, the word “sale” means any “exchange of personal data for monetary consideration by us to a third party“ as defined by the VCDPA.
Please note that according to the VCDPA, the disclosure of personal data to a processor that processes personal data on behalf of a controller does not constitute a sale. In addition, other specific exceptions set forth in the VCDPA may apply, such as, but not limited to, the disclosure of personal data to a third party for the provision of a product or service requested by you.
As specified in the “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” section of this document, our use of your personal information may be considered a sale under VCDPA.

Your right to opt out of the sale of your personal data and how you can exercise it

You have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal data. This means that whenever you request us to stop selling your data, we will abide by your request. To fully exercise your right to opt out you can contact us at any time using the contact details provided in this document.

We use any personal data collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purpose of complying with the request.

Processing of your personal data for targeted advertising

We do not process your personal data for targeted advertising. If we decide to do so, we will inform you beforehand and will grant your right to opt out of the processing of your personal data for targeted advertising.

Your privacy rights under the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act and how to exercise them

You may exercise certain rights regarding your data processed by us. In particular, you have the right to do the following:

  • access personal data: the right to know. You have the right to request that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. You also have the right to access such personal data.
  • correct inaccurate personal data. You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate personal data we maintain about you, taking into account the nature of the personal data and the purposes of the processing of the personal data.
  • request the deletion of your personal data. You have the right to request that we delete any of your personal data.
  • obtain a copy of your personal data. We will provide your personal data in a portable and usable format that allows you to transfer data easily to another entity — provided that this is technically feasible.
  • opt out of the processing of your personal data for the purposes of targeted advertising, the sale of personal data, or profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you.
  • non-discrimination. We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under the VCDPA. This means that we will not, among other things, deny goods or services, charge you a different price, or provide a different level or quality of goods or services just because you exercised your consumer privacy rights. However, if you refuse to provide your personal data to us or ask us to delete or stop selling your personal data, and that personal data or sale is necessary for us to provide you with goods or services, we may not be able to complete that transaction. To the extent permitted by the law, we may offer a different price, rate, level, quality, or selection of goods or services to you, including offering goods or services for no fee, if you have exercised your right to opt out, or our offer is related to your voluntary participation in a bona fide loyalty, rewards, premium features, discounts, or club card program.

How to exercise your rights

To exercise the rights described above, you need to submit your request to us by contacting us via the contact details provided in this document.

For us to respond to your request, we need to know who you are.

We will not respond to any request if we are unable to verify your identity using commercially reasonable efforts and therefore confirm that the personal data in our possession actually relate to you. In such cases, we may request that you provide additional information which is reasonably necessary to authenticate you and your request.

Making a consumer request does not require you to create an account with us. However, we may require you to use your existing account. We will use any personal data collected from you in connection with your request solely for the purposes of authentication, without further disclosing the personal data, retaining it longer than necessary for purposes of authentication, or using it for unrelated purposes.

If you are an adult, you can make a request on behalf of a child under your parental authority.

How and when we are expected to handle your request

We will respond to your request without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of its receipt. Should we need more time, we will explain to you the reasons why, and how much more time we need. In this regard, please note that we may take up to 90 days to fulfill your request.

Should we deny your request, we will explain to you the reasons behind our denial without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request. It is your right to appeal such decision by submitting a request to us via the details provided in this document. Within 60 days of receipt of the appeal, we will inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. If the appeal is denied you may contact the Attorney General to submit a complaint.

We do not charge a fee to respond to your request, for up to two requests per year. If your request is manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive, we may charge a reasonable fee or refuse to act on the request. In either case, we will communicate our choices and explain the reasons behind them.

Further information for Colorado consumers

This section of the document integrates with and supplements the information contained in the rest of the privacy policy and is provided by the controller running this Application and, if the case may be, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates (for the purposes of this section referred to collectively as “we”, “us”, “our”).

This section applies to all Users (Users are referred to below, simply as “you”, “your”, “yours”), who are consumers residing in the State of Colorado, according to the “Colorado Privacy Act” (the “CPA”), and, for such consumers, it supersedes any other possibly divergent or conflicting information contained in the privacy policy.

This part of the document uses the term “personal data” as defined in the CPA.

Categories of personal data processed

In this section, we summarize the categories of personal data that we’ve processed and the purposes thereof. You can read about these activities in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Persona Data” within this document.

Categories of personal data we collect

We have collected the following categories of personal data: identifiers and internet information

We do not collect sensitive data.

We will not collect additional categories of personal data without notifying you.

Why we process your personal data

To find out why we process your personal data, you can read the sections titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” and “The purposes of processing” within this document.

We won’t process your information for unexpected purposes, or for purposes incompatible with the purposes originally disclosed, without your consent.
You can freely give, deny, or withdraw such consent at any time using the contact details provided in this document.

How we use the data we collect: sharing of your personal data with third parties

We share your personal data with the third parties listed in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document. These third parties are grouped and categorized in accordance with the different purposes of processing.

For our purposes, the word “third party” means “a person, public authority, agency, or body other than a consumer, controller, processor, or affiliate of the processor or the controller.” as defined by the CPA.

Sale of your personal data

As specified in the “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” section of this document, our use of your personal data may be considered a sale under the CPA.

For our purposes, the word “sale”, “sell”, or “sold” means “the exchange of personal data for monetary or other valuable consideration by a controller to a third party” as defined by the CPA.

Please note that according to the CPA, the disclosure of personal data to a processor that processes personal data on behalf of a controller does not constitute a sale. In addition, other specific exceptions set forth in the CPA may apply, such as, but not limited to, the disclosure of personal data to a third party for the provision of a product or service requested by you.

Your right to opt out of the sale of your personal data and how you can exercise it

You have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal data. This means that whenever you request us to stop selling your data, we will abide by your request.

To fully exercise your right to opt out you can contact us at any time, using the contact details provided in this document.

For a simplified opt-out method you can also use the privacy choices link provided on this Application.

We use any personal data collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purpose of complying with the request.

Processing of your personal data for targeted advertising

We do not process your personal data for targeted advertising. If we decide to do so, we will inform you beforehand and will grant your right to opt out of the processing of your personal data for targeted advertising.

For our purposes, the word “targeted advertising” means “displaying to a consumer an advertisement that is selected based on personal data obtained or inferred over time from the consumer’s activities across nonaffiliated websites, applications, or online services to predict consumer preferences or interests” as defined by CPA.

Please note that according to the CPA, targeted advertising does not include: “advertisements directed to a consumer in response to the consumer’s request for information or feedback; advertisements based on activities within a controller’s own websites or online applications or any affiliated website or online application; advertisements based on the context of a consumer’s current search query, visit to an internet web site or online application; or processing personal data solely to measure or report advertising frequency, performance or reach”.

Universal opt-out mechanism: Global privacy control

If you want to submit requests to opt-out of the targeted advertising via a user-enabled global privacy control, like the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”), you are free to do so and we will abide by such request. The GPC consists of a setting or extension in the browser or mobile device and acts as a mechanism that websites can use to indicate they support the GPC signal. If you want to use GPC, you can download and enable it via a participating browser or browser extension. More information about downloading GPC is available here.

Your privacy rights under the Colorado Privacy Act and how to exercise them

You may exercise certain rights regarding your data processed by us. In particular, you have the right to do the following:

  • opt out of the processing of your personal data for the purposes of targeted advertising, the sale of personal data, or profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you.
  • access personal data. You have the right to request that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. You also have the right to access such personal data.
  • correct inaccurate personal data. You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate personal data we maintain about you, taking into account the nature of the personal data and the purposes of the processing of the personal data.
  • request the deletion of your personal data. You have the right to request that we delete any of your personal data.
  • obtain a copy of your personal data. We will provide your personal data in a portable and usable format that allows you to transfer data easily to another entity – provided that this is technically feasible.

In any case, we will not increase the cost of, or decrease the availability of, a product or service, based solely on the exercise of any of your rights and unrelated to the feasibility or the value of a service. However, to the extent permitted by the law, we may offer a different price, rate, level, quality, or selection of goods or services to you, including offering goods or services for no fee, if our offer is related to your voluntary participation in a bona fide loyalty, rewards, premium features, discounts, or club card program.

How to exercise your rights

To exercise the rights described above, you need to submit your request to us by contacting us via the contact details provided in this document.

For us to respond to your request, we need to know who you are and which right you wish to exercise.

We will not respond to any request if we are unable to verify your identity using commercially reasonable efforts and therefore confirm that the personal data in our possession actually relate to you. In such cases, we may request that you provide additional information which is reasonably necessary to authenticate you and your request.

Making a consumer request does not require you to create an account with us. However, we may require you to use your existing account. We will use any personal data collected from you in connection with your request solely for the purposes of authentication, without further disclosing the personal data, retaining it longer than necessary for purposes of authentication, or using it for unrelated purposes.

If you are an adult, you can make a request on behalf of a child under your parental authority.

How and when we are expected to handle your request

We will respond to your request without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of its receipt. Should we need more time, we will explain to you the reasons why, and how much more time we need. In this regard, please note that we may take up to 90 days to fulfill your request.

Should we deny your request, we will explain to you the reasons behind our denial without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request. It is your right to appeal such decision by submitting a request to us via the details provided in this document. Within 45 days of receipt of the appeal, we will inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. If the appeal is denied you may contact the Attorney General to submit a complaint.

We do not charge a fee to respond to your request, for up to two requests per year.

Further information for Connecticut consumers

This section of the document integrates with and supplements the information contained in the rest of the privacy policy and is provided by the controller running this Application and, if the case may be, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates (for the purposes of this section referred to collectively as “we”, “us”, “our”).

This section applies o all Users (Users are referred to below, simply as “you”, “your”, “yours”), who are consumers residing in the State of Connecticut, according to “An Act Concerning Personal Data Privacy and Online Monitoring ” (also known as “The Connecticut Data Privacy Act” or the “CTDPA”), and, for such consumers, it supersedes any other possibly divergent or conflicting information contained in the privacy policy.

This part of the document uses the term “personal data” as defined in the CTDPA.

Categories of personal data processed

In this section, we summarize the categories of personal data that we’ve processed and the purposes thereof. You can read about these activities in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Persona Data” within this document.

Categories of personal data we collect

We have collected the following categories of personal data: identifiers and internet information

We do not collect sensitive data.

We will not collect additional categories of personal data without notifying you.

Why we process your personal data

To find out why we process your personal data, you can read the sections titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” and “The purposes of processing” within this document.

We won’t process your information for unexpected purposes, or for purposes incompatible with the purposes originally disclosed, without your consent.
You can freely give, deny, or withdraw such consent at any time using the contact details provided in this document.

How we use the data we collect: sharing of your personal data with third parties

We share your personal data with the third parties listed in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document. These third parties are grouped and categorized in accordance with the different purposes of processing.

For our purposes, the word “third party” means “a person, public authority, agency, or body other than a consumer, controller, processor, or affiliate of the processor or the controller.” as defined by the CTDPA.

Sale of your personal data

As specified in the “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” section of this document, our use of your personal data may be considered a sale under the CTDPA.

For our purposes, the word “sale”, “sell”, or “sold” means “the exchange of personal data for monetary or other valuable consideration by a controller to a third party” as defined by the CTDPA.

Please note that according to the CTDPA, the disclosure of personal data to a processor that processes personal data on behalf of a controller does not constitute a sale. In addition, other specific exceptions set forth in the CTDPA may apply, such as, but not limited to, the disclosure of personal data to a third party for the provision of a product or service requested by you.

Your right to opt out of the sale of your personal data and how you can exercise it

You have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal data. This means that whenever you request us to stop selling your data, we will abide by your request.

To fully exercise your right to opt out you can contact us at any time, using the contact details provided in this document.

For a simplified opt-out method you can also use the privacy choices link provided on this Application.

We use any personal data collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purpose of complying with the request.

Processing of your personal data for targeted advertising

We do not process your personal data for targeted advertising. If we decide to do so, we will inform you beforehand and will grant your right to opt out of the processing of your personal data for targeted advertising.

For our purposes, the word “targeted advertising” means “displaying to a consumer an advertisement that is selected based on personal data obtained or inferred over time from the consumer’s activities across non affiliated websites, applications, or online services to predict consumer preferences or interests” as defined by CTDPA.

Please note that according to the CTDPA, targeted advertising does not include: “advertisements based on activities within a controller’s own web sites or online applications; advertisements based on the context of a consumer’s current search query, visit to an internet web site or online application; advertisements directed to a consumer in response to the consumer’s request for information or feedback; or processing personal data solely to measure or report advertising frequency, performance or reach”.

Universal opt-out mechanism: Global privacy control

If you want to submit requests to opt-out of the targeted advertising via a user-enabled global privacy control, like the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”), you are free to do so and we will abide by such request. The GPC consists of a setting or extension in the browser or mobile device and acts as a mechanism that websites can use to indicate they support the GPC signal. If you want to use GPC, you can download and enable it via a participating browser or browser extension. More information about downloading GPC is available here.

Your privacy rights under the Connecticut Data Privacy Act and how to exercise them

You may exercise certain rights regarding your data processed by us. In particular, you have the right to do the following:

  • access personal data. You have the right to request that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. You also have the right to access such personal data.
  • correct inaccurate personal data. You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate personal data we maintain about you, taking into account the nature of the personal data and the purposes of the processing of the personal data.
  • request the deletion of your personal data. You have the right to request that we delete any of your personal data.
  • obtain a copy of your personal data. We will provide your personal data in a portable and usable format that allows you to transfer data easily to another entity – provided that this is technically feasible.
  • opt out of the processing of your personal data for the purposes of targeted advertising, the sale of personal data, or profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you.

In any case, we will not increase the cost of, or decrease the availability of, a product or service, based solely on the exercise of any of your rights and unrelated to the feasibility or the value of a service. However, to the extent permitted by the law, we may offer a different price, rate, level, quality, or selection of goods or services to you, including offering goods or services for no fee, if our offer is related to your voluntary participation in a bona fide loyalty, rewards, premium features, discounts, or club card program.

How to exercise your rights

To exercise the rights described above, you need to submit your request to us by contacting us via the contact details provided in this document.

For us to respond to your request, we need to know who you are and which right you wish to exercise.

We will not respond to any request if we are unable to verify your identity using commercially reasonable efforts and therefore confirm that the personal data in our possession actually relate to you. In such cases, we may request that you provide additional information which is reasonably necessary to authenticate you and your request.

Making a consumer request does not require you to create an account with us. However, we may require you to use your existing account. We will use any personal data collected from you in connection with your request solely for the purposes of authentication, without further disclosing the personal data, retaining it longer than necessary for purposes of authentication, or using it for unrelated purposes.

If you are an adult, you can make a request on behalf of a child under your parental authority.

How and when we are expected to handle your request

We will respond to your request without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of its receipt. Should we need more time, we will explain to you the reasons why, and how much more time we need. In this regard, please note that we may take up to 90 days to fulfill your request.

Should we deny your request, we will explain to you the reasons behind our denial without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request. It is your right to appeal such decision by submitting a request to us via the details provided in this document. Within 45 days of receipt of the appeal, we will inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. If the appeal is denied, you may contact the Attorney General to submit a complaint.

We do not charge a fee to respond to your request, for up to one request per year.

Further information for Utah consumers

This section of the document integrates with and supplements the information contained in the rest of the privacy policy and is provided by the controller running this Application and, if the case may be, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates (for the purposes of this section referred to collectively as “we”, “us”, “our”).

This section applies to all Users (Users are referred to below, simply as “you”, “your”, “yours”), who are consumers residing in the State of Utah, according to the “Consumer Privacy Act” (the “UCPA”), and, for such consumers, it supersedes any other possibly divergent or conflicting information contained in the privacy policy.

This part of the document uses the term “personal data” as defined in the UCPA.

Categories of personal data processed

In this section, we summarize the categories of personal data that we’ve processed and the purposes thereof. You can read about these activities in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Persona Data” within this document.

Categories of personal data we collect

We have collected the following categories of personal data: identifiers and internet information

We do not collect sensitive data.

We will not collect additional categories of personal data without notifying you.

Why we process your personal data

To find out why we process your personal data, you can read the sections titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” and “The purposes of processing” within this document.

How we use the data we collect: sharing of your personal data with third parties

We share your personal data with the third parties listed in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document. These third parties are grouped and categorized in accordance with the different purposes of processing.

For our purposes, the word “third party” means “a person other than: the consumer, controller, or processor; or an affiliate or contractor of the controller or the processor” as defined by the UCPA.

Sale of your personal data

As specified in the “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” section of this document, our use of your personal data may be considered a sale under the UCPA.

For our purposes, the word “sale”, “sell”, or “sold” means “the exchange of personal data for monetary or other valuable consideration by a controller to a third party” as defined by the UCPA.

Please note that according to the UCPA, the disclosure of personal data to a processor that processes personal data on behalf of a controller does not constitute a sale. In addition, other specific exceptions set forth in the UCPA may apply, such as, but not limited to, the disclosure of personal data to a third party for the provision of a product or service requested by you.

Your right to opt out of the sale of your personal data and how you can exercise it

You have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal data. This means that whenever you request us to stop selling your data, we will abide by your request.

To fully exercise your right to opt out you can contact us at any time, using the contact details provided in this document.

For a simplified opt-out method you can also use the privacy choices link provided on this Application.

We use any personal data collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purpose of complying with the request.

Processing of your personal data for targeted advertising

We do not process your personal data for targeted advertising. If we decide to do so, we will inform you beforehand and will grant your right to opt out of the processing of your personal data for targeted advertising.

For our purposes, the word “targeted advertising” means “displaying to a consumer an advertisement that is selected based on personal data obtained or inferred over time from the consumer’s activities across nonaffiliated websites, applications, or online services to predict consumer preferences or interests” as defined by UCPA.

Please note that according to the UCPA, targeted advertising does not include: “advertisements based on activities within a controller’s own websites or online applications or any affiliated website or online application; advertisements based on the context of a consumer’s current search query, visit to an web site or online application; advertisements directed to a consumer in response to the consumer’s request for information, product, a service or feedback; or processing personal data solely to measure or report advertising performance, reach or frequency.”

Your privacy rights under the Utah Consumer Privacy Act and how to exercise them

You may exercise certain rights regarding your data processed by us. In particular, you have the right to do the following:

  • access personal data. You have the right to request that we confirm whether or not we are processing your personal data. You also have the right to access such personal data.
  • request the deletion of your personal data. You have the right to request that we delete any of your personal data.
  • obtain a copy of your personal data. We will provide your personal data in a portable and usable format that allows you to transfer data easily to another entity – provided that this is technically feasible.
  • opt out of the processing of your personal data for the purposes of targeted advertising or the sale of personal data.

In any case, we will not increase the cost of, or decrease the availability of, a product or service, based solely on the exercise of any of your rights and unrelated to the feasibility or the value of a service. However, to the extent permitted by the law, we may offer a different price, rate, level, quality, or selection of goods or services to you, including offering goods or services for no fee, if our offer is related to your voluntary participation in a bona fide loyalty, rewards, premium features, discounts, or club card program.

How to exercise your rights

To exercise the rights described above, you need to submit your request to us by contacting us via the contact details provided in this document.

For us to respond to your request, we need to know who you are and which right you wish to exercise.

We will not respond to any request if we are unable to verify your identity using commercially reasonable efforts and therefore confirm that the personal data in our possession actually relate to you. In such cases, we may request that you provide additional information which is reasonably necessary to authenticate you and your request. We may retain your email address to respond to your request.

If you are an adult, you can make a request on behalf of a child under your parental authority.

How and when we are expected to handle your request

We will respond to your request without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of its receipt. Should we need more time, we will explain to you the reasons why, and how much more time we need. In this regard, please note that we may take up to 90 days to fulfill your request.

Should we deny your request, we will explain to you the reasons behind our denial without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request.

We do not charge a fee to respond to your request, for up to one request per year.

Informações adicionais sobre a coleta e processamento de Dados

Os Dados Pessoais dos Usuários podem ser utilizados para fins jurídicos pelo Proprietário em juízo ou nas etapas conducentes à possível ação jurídica decorrente de uso indevido deste Serviço (este Aplicativo) ou dos Serviços relacionados.
O Usuário declara estar ciente de que o Proprietário poderá ser obrigado a revelar os Dados Pessoais mediante solicitação das autoridades governamentais.

Além das informações contidas nesta política de privacidade, este Aplicativo poderá fornecer ao Usuário informações adicionais e contextuais sobre os serviços específicos ou a coleta e processamento de Dados Pessoais mediante solicitação.

Para fins de operação e manutenção, este Aplicativo e quaisquer serviços de terceiros poderão coletar arquivos que gravam a interação com este Aplicativo (logs do sistema) ou usar outros Dados Pessoais (tais como endereço IP) para esta finalidade.

Mais detalhes sobre a coleta ou processamento de Dados Pessoais podem ser solicitados ao Proprietário, a qualquer momento. Favor ver as informações de contato no início deste documento.

O Proprietário se reserva o direito de fazer alterações nesta política de privacidade a qualquer momento, através de notificação a seus Usuários nesta página e possivelmente dentro deste Serviço (este Aplicativo) e/ou – na medida em que for técnica e juridicamente viável – enviando um aviso para os Usuários através de quaisquer informações de contato disponíveis para o Proprietário. É altamente recomendável checar esta página regularmente, consultando a data da última modificação informada na parte inferior.

Caso as mudanças afetem as atividades de processamento realizadas com base na anuência do Usuário, o Proprietário coletará nova anuência do Usuário, onde for exigida.

Regulamento geral de proteção de dados

A Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD,  CPRA, GDPR, Espaço Econômico Europeu EEE)

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